Music: Melody Makers (Ages 3-5)

Ages: 3-5yrs
Cost: $35 for all six classes
Wednesdays, April 2 - May 7 (6 weeks)
Times: 4:30pm - 5:15pm
Location: Music and Mass Communication Building, room 147
Instructor: Briana Larsen
Class Max: 10 students

This class meets for 45 minutes, once a week.

Melody Makers (ages 3-5) focuses on building musicianship in young children through song, dance, rhyme, movement, insturments and story. We will build upon the innate musicality of children to foster the development of foundational skills such as singing in tune, rhythm, dacne and more. Children will develop a stronger sense of the musician within themselves and gain confidence through engaging activities with peers. 

What to wear: anything active (leggings, tshirt, tank top, so on)

**Ages outside this limit can be accepted with instructor's permission. Please contact the CSA office at or 931-221-7034 for more information.

Because the Creative Movement students are so young, we ask that a parent stay and wait in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation.

For any questions regarding APSU's Covid policy, go to

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